Friday, December 19, 2014

Mission Halftime

Hayden returned home from his mission on October 23rd for surgery to remove a cyst on his tailbone, which he had the following week. It was so much fun for our family to have Hayden home for six weeks and for him to see our new home and meet our new friends in Tooele. I loved being able to see Hay but I also loved having him return to his mission, where he belongs right now.

Here are some photos from Hay's Mission Halftime.

The former Elder Ellis with Bishop Roy and President Cottle just after his release.
One of the first things Hayden did after his release - playing a video game with his brother.
Hayden doing snow angels with Brody at the Whittaker Ward Christmas party.
Hayden and Alessandro - the baby he took care of before his mission has grown a lot in the past year.
Temple Square
Temple Square
Hayden hanging out with two Sister missionaries from his mission - Sisters Underwood and LemMon.
Shopping for candles with the Sisters.
Hayden accompanying me to my company Christmas party.
One of the benefits of having an Italian stepdad - seafood pasta :-)
Shooting the .22
Shooting the M-4
Shooting the Beretta 
Gianni shooting the Beretta. 
Stephen saying goodbye to his brother again.
Mom and Elder Ellis, just before going to the airport.
I am going to miss Elder Ellis, but I am looking forward to getting his weekly emails again.

One more year to go.......

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